Gastrointestinal fistula Surgery

Gastrointestinal fistula surgery is performed to treat gastrointestinal fistula.

July 21, 2022

Gastrointestinal fistula surgery is performed to treat gastrointestinal fistula which may involve special drains, negative-pressure therapy systems, or other therapies to allow the fistula to drain while healing.

Some facts about Gastrointestinal fistula:

  • A gastrointestinal fistula is also called as an enterocutaneous fistula or an intestinal fistula.
  • Digested food material cannot move properly through the body when a person has a gastrointestinal fistula.
  • Fluid can also leak out, reducing levels throughout the body because of fistula.
  • A person with a gastrointestinal fistula may develop a condition known as sepsis where a person’s body attacks itself as a reaction to a severe infection.
  • A person will have an area of skin that is open with an external gastrointestinal fistula.
  • Acid and other contents from the stomach will leak onto the skin through the wound opening in this case which can be very harmful to the skin.
  • Other organs such as the bladder, vagina, anus, and colon can be involved.

Preparation for Gastrointestinal fistula Surgery:

  • Avoid eating and drinking anything eight hours before Gastrointestinal fistula Surgery.
  • You can drink a sip of water with your medications if needed.
  • Any history of bleeding disorders or taking any anticoagulant medicines, aspirin, or other medicines that affect blood clotting should be informed to your healthcare provider as you may need to stop taking these medicines before your surgery.
  • A person’s medical history must be considered when diagnosing a gastrointestinal fistula as there is a higher risk of getting a fistula if a person has had specific surgical procedures, including gynecologic surgery
  • Imaging scans, such as a CT scan will be done to identify the fistula and determine its size.
  • Barium studies and Fistulogram may also be done to diagnose fistula before the surgery.
  • Fistulas may cause diarrhea, and poor absorption of nutrients depending on where the leak is.
  • Blockage in the intestine, Infection (such as diverticulitis), Crohn disease, Radiation to the abdomen (most often given as part of cancer treatment), Injury, such as deep wounds from stabbing or gunshot and Swallowing caustic substances (such as lye) are some off the causes of fistula other tan surgery.

Procedure for Gastrointestinal fistula Surgery:

  • Fistulae that are small and not infected may close on their own.
  • More severe fistula will drains more because the leaking fluid can damage and infect the skin and organs that it reaches.
  • Usually a surgery is recommended to repair the areas of drainage if a person has sepsis.
  • Surgery is done to remove the fistula and part of the intestines if the fistula is not healing
  • Special drains, negative-pressure therapy systems, or other therapies may be involved in surgery to allow the fistula to drain while healing.
  • A vacuum will be used in negative-pressure therapy to increase blood flow to an area and help drain excess fluid.
  • Sometimes, endoscopic technique is used by the surgeon to correct the areas of drainage which involve inserting a scope, which is a thin, lighted instrument, into the rectum and up to the abdominal area.
  • Clips or glue may be used  to close the leaking areas of the fistula.
  • Although, a laparoscopic approach is less invasive than surgery, it is not possible to reach all fistulae in this manner.
  • Immune suppressing medicines can be given for the treatment of fistula if the fistula is a result of Crohn disease.
  • Nutrition is provided through a vein while the fistula heals in some cases.